Garden Center
Our garden center is designed to provide students with nutritious vegetables at lunch as well as provide them with the tools they need to grow their own. We grow a variety of organic seasonal vegetables and fruits throughout the year that expose them to new opportunities and flavors. Students are involved in the growing process and learn the ins and outs of what it takes to grow vegetables at their own homes. Any excess that is not used in the school provides the opportunity to sell in the community to help with school expenses.
Our garden center is also the home to a flock of chickens and a clew of worms. The chicken’s eggs provide another healthy lunch option for the students as well as income generating opportunities to fund the garden center. There is also a thriving worm farm that provides vermatea for the garden center and opportunities for learning. Students learn about composting and the benefits it provides.
The garden center provides many hands-on learning experiences for the students beyond just growing food. They are able to get their hands dirty during Earth science as we learn about soil, rocks, minerals and other aspects of the Earth. In biology class they are able to see first hand how plants grow and the importance of ecology. Even history class gets us outside and into the garden as we learn about irrigation.