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Hands Holding Fish

our name

Open Hands

comes from the idea that we are called to serve the local community with our palms up, giving of our time, resources and talents with no expectation of anything in return.


It shows partnership, working with the local schools, teachers, parents and pastors to build a community focused on God and enriching the lives of the youth and the community at large.

It is a picture of surrender, surrendering yourself to the call of God and of availability, being available when and where we are needed. We believe discipleship plays a big part in helping these kids build a stronger community and helping them achieve their goals, being available is a big part of that.

Deuteronomy 15:8

"You shall freely Open your Hand to him (the poor) and shall generously lend him sufficient for his needs in whatever he lacks. (15:11) For the poor will never cease to be in the land, therefore I command you, you shall freely Open your Hand to your brother"

What We Believe

The teachers, administrators and staff at Open Hands Community Project are united in their belief that all children:

  • Have the power to learn 

  • Are curious and creative 

  • Can succeed


No two students have exactly the same skills or learning style. That’s why we create an individual learning plan for every child. Their plan will combine direct instruction, small-group work, and one-on-one tutoring in a way that works for the student.

Our Values:

  • Humbly submitted to Christ

  • Pursuing partnerships with a spirit of cooperation

  • Integrity and transparency

  • Financial accountability

  • Empowering youth through education

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