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Basic Needs

The students in our programs come from at risk communities and many live without their basic needs being met. It is not uncommon for students in these communities to go days without a meal. 


As part of our programs we provide a hot lunch for our full day students and a filling snack for the after school students.


We also provide a toiletries cupboard including: toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouth wash, feminine products, deodorant, soap etc. That all students have access to. Having access to personal hygiene items are vital to the students wellbeing and overall quality of life. 


COVID has meant we have had to go online at times and always be prepared to do it again. The Internet is not always available for online learning so to keep all of the students in class we pay for their internet/data as needed.


When families fall on hard times (like the long COVID lockdown) we have packed and sent food boxes, waived outing fees, bought electricity and coved other necessities.


Another huge basic need we are able to provide for is housing. At different times throughout the years, for different reasons, students have lived with us. We are able to provide a safe place with a warm bed whenever students need it. 

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